Friday, September 1, 2017

Solving the first exercise

Hello, there!

In this post we will reverse engineering the exercise-program that I left in my previous post about compiling C programs.  I tried to make well explained and objective. So any question let me know.

In the end of the post linked above there is a code that we are going to use in this post. Compile it and let's begin. Tools in this post:
In my last post I left an exercise (simple one) that the goal was to reach the "Secret Stuff!". In this post I will show two ways to do it. It's very simple program coded in C. I assume that already have compiled the program as the link in the prerequisite.

First I ran it to see what happens:

Fig1 - Running the program

Nothing much, just a simple "Not Valid". Well I will run the strings.exe from SysInternals to see if we can find something interesting. I configured my strings program in the Path environment variable to be easy to execute. Take some time and look closely to anything that could be interesting. There are a lot of strings here, but the 90% is standard, besides this doesn't seem encrypted. Taking a time rolling up and down, I could find some interesting strings:

Fig2 - Strings the program

Well I see that I will have to type some password, but when I first ran it nothing was asked to me. Why this ?. And we have the secret stuff too, so we just began with it since our goal is to reach that part, we deal with password in the way to it if we had too.

We could open in some software like CFF Explorer to dig into the imports and so on, but doesn't seem necessary at this point. So let's open it in the IDA Pro and see if we can find anything interesting. With the program opened in the IDA Pro let's seek for our goal in the tab Strings, click in the tab and search for the "You reach the secret stuff!!", then double click in the line with the string. IDA sent us to the part of the section rdata in the offset that starts the string. We have to click in the offset name aYouReachTheSec and press the X key, then we can choose the references for this offset, since we just have one let's double click it. We were drove to a function that uses this string sub_401517, we can click on it's name and press N to rename it, I renamed to SecretSub. Ok, this would be enough to crack it. I will show two manners to do it, cracking it(Patching) and bypassing it. To bypass we just have to find how to reach the secret stuff without hardcode/patch the binary.

Fig3 - String offset in the section rdata

Bypassing the binary

To bypass the binary first we have to find how the binary reach this SecretSub in normal way, so click in the name of the sub and press X to find the references to this sub. We only find one reference:

Fig4 - Main flow

As we can see we have a little piece of the program that asks for some password using the scanf (C API) to get the password, call sub_401460 and right after uses a cmp eax, 1. We can deduce that we get the password and then sub_401460 will check for the password to see if it is right and return to eax if the password is right or not. Let's see how the binary validates the password double clicking in the sub_401460. We were drove into the sub and I already rename the sub to PasswordCheck making it easy to identify.

Fig5 - Password checking

We can see some loops, some ifs and in the end of the sub we have only one piece of code that will drive us to the good end (mov eax, 1), the other pieces just print "Not Valid" in the screen. The first part is interesting, many hex values stock in variables at the first piece of code, we will look at it after. IDA name the variables for us to make our work more easy, this variables are just offsets in the stack for example [ebp+var_c] without the IDA would be [ebp-C], so IDA put variable names in the offset to make our lives easier, we can even rename the variables clinking in their names and pressing N to make it more easy to read the code.

After looking a little at this code we are able to identify that the first part seems like a counter adding in the variable var_10 to be compared in cmp [ebp+var_10],14h , the size in this variable has to be lower than 14h (decimal 20) if it was larger then we got a "Not valid" message.

We can deduce to this point that the password must be under 20 characters. In the next block it uses the variables var_c (counter) and var_1B (string reference), the var_c is an index reference to the string array for both the argument arg_0 (types password) and the var_1B (hardcoded password). It compares byte per byte from both variables to check if the password matches. So we can take the var_1B till var_11 to get the expected password. If we get the whole and put it together we can convert hexadecimal to unicode characters, but we have to keep in mind that since the value is in the stack it is disposed in little-endian order, thus to convert it we must write them in the reverse order like 3332312D3132332D323331 converting this we get "321-123-231". Now we have the password, but if we run it we can't get in the part to type the password, so we have to dig a little more. Let's back a little and see what it have to does to reach the part that asks for the password.

As we can see in the Fig4 there is a cmp with the arg_0 in the main function and right after a conditional jump JG, since this program was written in C we know that in the main function the first argument by default is the amount of arguments passed to the program to execute. If you ran the program in the CMD the first argument will be always the complete path to the program that is been executed. Therefore we must have more than one argument when execute this program, to do this we just add any text after the program name like ">main.exe newargument" if you execute like this we can bypass this part and reach the password part. Let's try it:

Fig6 - Program bypassed

Voilá! We did it, we bypassed the exercise without patch anything.

Patching the binary

Now let's do a quick and functional patch to get this working without type anything. We want to reach the secret stuff without efforts, execute the program and reach it. How can we do it, now we know the address that calls the SecretSub, we just have to alter that conditional jump JG that was made right after the comparative in the program's argument and JMP directly to the call to the SecretSub. We can do this using the x64dbg. Open the program in the debugger reach the address using the CTRL+G in the address 40153E and press space bar to patch this line. To work properly we can't simple call or jump inside the secret stuff because the program must return to properly exits the execution, then we simply jump directly to the right call using a unconditional jump jmp 0x40158E. Press CTRL+P to open the patches click to patch file and choose a name to the new executable and save it. Now try to run it.

Fig7 - Patched program

Voilá! Now we access the secret stuff without have to type anything.

Well that is it folks! This program was quite simple with no anti-technique at all. In the next posts I will try to bring more difficult exercises. :) Thank you for you time and see you soon! Any questions at all please let me know! :)

Thanks! Best regards!

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